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Katya Isaeva

Born in Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Lives & works in Moscow, Russia


Образование/Education ​


2019-2020 School of curators at Free Workshops MMOMA/СВОБОДНЫЕ МАСТЕРСКИЕ ММСИ

2013 -2015 Institute of Contemporary Art, ICA Moscow/ИПСИ

2013-2014 Laboratory of Media Poetry/ЛАБОРАТОРИЯ МЕДИА ПОЭЗИИ

2010-2012 University of the Arts, London College of Communication, Graphic design and Art
2002-2007 Goethe Institut Moskau. German language and German contemporary Literature

1997-2002 Moscow Institute of the Humanities. MA in linguistics and intercultural communication/МГИ 

Персональные выставки/Solo exhibitions

At the crossroads/На распутье, Artkommunalka, Kolomna. 2023

Gorilla in rage/Горилла в ярости, MYTH gallery, Saint-Petersburg, 2022

Museum of Nature by Katya Isaeva/Музей природы, MMOMA Gogolevsky 10, 2020-2021

Syncopation/Off-beat/Синкопа, CCI Fabrika, Moscow, 2017


PER FORMA 0.2, New Space of Theatre of Nations, 40 minutes performance Instagram. Stories,
collaboration with Nikita Chumakov, Moscow, 2018

Project for Royal Park Foundation, design project in collaboration with Matin O'Dea Totem Poles for Hyde Park, London, 2011



Short-listed for the contest Nova Art 8 New skin: a myth of technological body, 2021

Grant for a course Hunting and collecting (postcolonial discourse)  at Internationale Sommerakademie
für Bildende Kunst Salzburg, 2019

Grant for Garage Museum of Contemporary Art Summer School. Earth and writing: a study of the anthropocene, 2019

Арт резиденции/Art residencies

GARAGE Studios. 2024

Artkommunalka, Kolomna, 2023

Выставки/Art fairs



Образовательные программы/Teaching practice/master classes


artist talk 2024

MMOMA 2023

Selfpromotion for an artist course

Art project course


Master-class in scannography 2023


Collective embroidery master-class 2023

Artist talk


Master-class in scannography 2022

Artist talk


Избранные групповые выставки, проекты, фестивали/Selected exhibitions, projects, festivals


THREADS/НИТИ, Фонд RuArts, Москва

Threads of Fate, Charts of History/Нити судьбы, карты истории, ГЭС-2, Москва

Focus: Коллекционер, галерея MYTH, Санкт-Петербург

Первая ГРАУНД Биеннале. Текстиль в современном искусстве, ГРАУНД СОЛЯНКА, Москва


100 years of northern agriculture/«СТОЛЕТИЕ СЕВЕРНОГО ЗЕМЛЕДЕЛИЯ», curatorial project, ЦСИ Сияние, Апатиты

From... till: fairy tales to grow/ От и до: сказки на вырост, Новое Крыло дома Гоголя, Москва
Sympathetic interactions/ Симпатические взаимодействия. AZ Музей, Иваново
The last off-site show on the Earth at Plague Space and everywhere, Краснодар

The great void/ Великая пустота, Фонд RuArts Москва


Snow Leopard/ Снежный барс, Новая Третьяковка, Москва

Exceptions/ Исключение, галерея MYTH, Санкт-Петербург

MYTHS/ Мифы, галерея Измайлово, Москва

Art fauna/Арт-Фауна, Фонд культуры Екатерина, Москва


Beauty as Subculture/Красота как субкультура, Peresvetov Pereulok Gallery, Moscow 

Sacred meadow/Заповедный луг, The State Darwin Museum, Moscow

Behind the scenes/Закулисье, Contemporary Art Centre Fligel, Vladimir

Exhibition of similar art/Выставка одинакового искусства, Peresvetov Pereulok Gallery, Moscow 

Museum of Nature by Katya Isaeva/Музей природы, MMOMA Gogolevsky 10, Moscow


BON VOYAGE, Gallerie Charraudeau, video series Free app, Paris

Workshop 20’20. HOMO COMMUNICANS*Человек Общающийся
Special project of VII Moscow Biennale of Young Art,

audio installation Morning choir in the exhibition Human comminication with animals and other organisms

mixed media installation My name is Maria in the exhibition Old Paris is no more

video series Free app in the exhibition GGWP

The Void/Пустота, Gallery Girl Girl Girl, video Free app, online event

New Viewings, Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin

Instagram performance I am sitting in the room

The (–) FE MALE Home, International Performance Art Festival, online

Escape the room, The Wrong biennale 19/20, gif-animation series,


Art Hobby Center/Арт Хобби Центр, co-curator, co-artist, CCI Fabrika, Moscow

101. mediapoetry festival. Invisible networks, video, Saint Petersburg

Artificial pollination/Искусственное опыление, The Old Fund Greenhouse of N.V. Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden (RAS), co-curator and co-artist, site-specific installation, Moscow



Ideal Age/Идеальный возраст, MMOMA, Special project of the 6th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, instagram-based project #instadancerkatya, Moscow

Neighbourhood/Соседи, gallery Nagornaya, parallel program of MMOMA for the 6th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, photobook/research, web project MMOMA Simferopolsky, Moscow

Art Lobster Tart, Gallery А3, Parallell program of the the 6th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art,
play for 6 fax machines, installation, Moscow

Media Poetry Festival 101, web- project, Saint Petersburg

Ork Kota Platform 2018 One-Minute Dance Films, #instadancerkatya video, Hungary

Darkness has fallen VOS - Virtual Open Space, Departments of owl web-based project, Austria




Workshop 20'17, MMOMA, Mix media installation This is where I belong, Moscow
Die Grenze/Border, international exhibition project, supported by Goethe Institut, installation "100 of pialas", Moscow-Saint-Petersburg-Krasnojarsk-Kiew-Minsk-Yekateringurg-Almaty-Dortmund-Tbilisi

The Cancan competitions, Gallery LemoArt, video #instadancer, Berlin
Boderline conditions, installation Karsilamas, Nicosia, Cyprus


Mirrors/Зеркала, Project of the Andrei Tarkovsky International Film Festival, MMOMA - video "Eye test", Moscow

Danube Videoart Festival, video "Eye test", Austria

Media poetry Festival, 101 Memory formatting,installation "Memory of the machines",  Saint-Petersburg
.txt, New Wing of Gogol House, media installation "A morning of a man of business", Moscow

Procrastination/Прокрастинация, MMOMA, media installation " The Lawnmower Man", Moscow

Starting point/Точка отсчета, Center for Creative industries FABRIKA, site specific installation "The Sims. Tempus family", Moscow

Free Wifi/Gratis WLAN, Eigen und Art Lab, videos #instadancerkatya, Berlin


Crosscontact, Festival of the new City Culture in public libraries, series of videos, Moscow

Workshop 2015 Sub Observationem, MMOMA  - object "Medical record", Moscow

International Tarkovsky Film Festival "ZERKALO", video "Eye test" in a video art program by MMOMA 6 Moscow Biennale Special programs

The East. Deconstruction/Восток. Деконструкция, 13th pavilion at VDNKH, video installation "Strings and arrows", installation/research/performance "100 of teabowls" (Innovation special award by NСCA), Moscow

Imaginary future art, a project, Moscow

Transcription of noise/Транскрипция шума, State Darwin Museum- performative installation "Tactile palyndrome", Moscow

Perception transfer, Centre for contemporary Art, Sokol, video “Private Correspondence”, Moscow

POLITECH, International science festival, VDNKH, site specific light installations, Moscow
white and White/белое и Белое, parallel program of Yourn Art Biennalle video installation “Cry of Yaroslavna”, Moscow

Inventing everyday life, Parallel program of Manifesta 14, video "Personal correspondence", Saint Petersburg
Field Work/Полевые работы, Muzeon Park, 4th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, site specific installation "Sevastopol stories", Moscow 
Freedom is freedom/Свобода есть свобода, gallery Belyaevo, video installtion "Cry of Yaroslavna", Moscow
Space of no exception,  gallery SOKOL, installation "It's ok. We are also afraid of the darkness", Moscow

Media Poetry Lab, installations, video, performance, Moscow

Festival “Collected works”, Russian State Library, installation “Cancelled Constellations”, Moscow



Wide open, LCC, mixed media installation, London


Whatever next, LCC, silkscreen prints, London 

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